Life So Short, the Craft So Long to Learn

Updated OCaml Compiler for iOS

July 19, 2011

I’ve just updated OCamlXARM, a build of the OCaml 3.10.2 compiler for creating iPhone and iPad apps. I fixed some configuration errors in the native components that were preventing startup of supporting tools, such as the camlp4 family of preprocessors.

While I was at it, I made a binary release package for OCamlXARM (note: this is a 27 MB file). I also updated the description of how to build it yourself from sources, and how to test it. The description is on the OCamlXARM page.

If you’re an iOS developer, this means you can try out OCaml without having to build your own compiler (always a plus). If you’re interested, the OCamlXARM page has links to two simple apps that illustrate the basic ideas.

I still intend to produce a version of OCamlXARM based on the latest OCaml (3.12.1). I decided to get it working in the iOS Simulator first. Now that it’s working, I can get back to looking at 3.12.1 for OCamlXARM.

Posted by: Jeffrey