Life So Short, the Craft So Long to Learn

Semi-Formal Cassino 1.1 Beta

March 26, 2011

I’ve started a semi-formal beta test period for the 1.1 release of our Cassino iPhone app. The new release plays two new variants of the game, including the variant that most people play with material cards in my part of the “real world.” (North America.)

After playing many games of each type I’ll go out on a limb and say they’re all good. But the new, more complicated variants are definitely fun to play and take a different strategy.

If you’re semi-formal and interested in helping with the test effort, send me an email and I’ll add you to the list of beta testers. Here is an unaltered quote from a current beta tester:

I consider it a privilege.

The new release will be ready pretty soon, and will be a free upgrade. I’m hoping to make it good enough to merit this kind of praise.

Posted by: Jeffrey