The Schnapsen Log
The Finish Line (solution)
Martin Tompa
This plan really doesn’t seem as difficult as the ones you’ve had to come up with earlier in the game, because there are so few possibilities left. You have to trump ♣Q, and you cannot return ♠A, because Itell would make two quick trump tricks, which would give him enough points. That means you will have to return another trump instead. If you trump ♣Q with ♥T or ♥K, you will be opening up the trump suit from ♥KJ or ♥TJ opposite Itell’s ♥AQ, which can’t be a good idea: Itell can pull trumps and cash his ♣A, taking all the remaining tricks. The process of elimination has left you with only one possible play: you must trump ♣Q with ♥J and return ♥K. This will put Itell on lead in the following two-card ending:
Itell: (55 points)
♠ —
♥ Q
♣ A
♦ —You: (50 points)
♠ A
♥ T
♣ —
♦ —
Do you recognize the situation now? You’ve been led to a counterforce play, perhaps without actually planning it. Itell is endplayed and, for the first time in this match, you see him squirming in his seat, which makes you so very happy. He cannot lead ♣A, because that would give you more than enough trick points. So he must lead ♥Q, which pulls trumps for you, allowing you to cash ♠A.
Well done, you! Your masterful play has vanquished Itell Reding from the tournament. You have a few minutes to splash cold water on your face and recover from this epic battle before your next round. You are now feeling unbeatable, though, and are confident you will take down the whole tournament.
© 2012 Martin Tompa. All rights reserved.